本文通过对6名男同志和8名女同志的半结构访谈,探讨男女同志身份认同的历程。本文认为,异性恋中心主义的象征暴力赋予每个个体“默认的异性恋者”身份,对于具备同性情欲的个体而言,构建起同志身份认同是一个身份转轨的过程。这个过程由对同性的性欲望和浪漫感受开启,对基于性向身份的知识的学习贯穿期间,社会边缘处境和家庭构成认同的过程的障碍,个体可能为做一名异性恋者而努力,包括寻求心理治疗、与异性恋爱,但以失败告终。同志身份的潜台词是一位失败的异性恋者,但同志身份的意义在于终结误读。This research studies the identification of gay and lesbian by interviewing six gays and eight les-bians.Everyone is tolerant heterosexual identity in the context of heterosexism leading to a kind of symbolic vio-lence,especially for those individuals with same -sex eroticism.For them,the construction of homosexual identity is a process of identity transition,which begins with the feel of sex and romance for persons in the same gender. They acquire relevant knowledge on the basis of their sexual orientation.M...